Using Laravel Homestead with Zend Framework Projects

by Enrico Zimuel

Laravel Homestead1 is an interesting project by the Laravel community that provides a Vagrant2 box for PHP developers. It includes a full set of services for PHP developers, such as the Nginx web server, PHP 7.1, MySQL, Postgres, Redis, Memcached, Node, and more.

One the most interesting features of this project is the ability to enable it per project. This means you can run a vagrant box for your specific PHP project.

In this article, we'll examine using it for Zend Framework MVC, Expressive, and Apigility projects. In each case, installation and usage is exactly the same.

Install the Vagrant box

The first step is to install the laravel/homestead3 vagrant box. This box works with a variety of providers: VirtualBox 5.14, VMWare5, or Parallels6.

We used VirtualBox and the following command to install the laravel/homestead box:

$ vagrant box add laravel/homestead

The box is 981 MB, so it will take some minutes to download.

Homestead, by default, uses the host name, and requires that you update your system hosts file to point that domain to the virtual machine IP address. To faciliate that, Homestead provides integration with the vagrant-hostsupdater7 Vagrant plugin. We recommend installing that before your initial run of the virtual machine:

$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater

Use Homestead in ZF projects

Once you have installed the laravel/homestead vagrant box, you can use it globally or per project.

If we install Homestead per-project, we will have a full development server configured directly in the local folder, without sharing services with other projects. This is a big plus!

To use Homestead per-project, we need to install the laravel/homestead8 package within our Zend Framework, Apigility, or Expressive project. This can be done using Composer9 with the following command:

$ composer require --dev laravel/homestead

After installation, execute the homestead command to build the Vagrantfile:

$ vendor/bin/homestead make

This command creates both the VagrantFile and a Homestead.yaml configuration file.

Configuring Homestead

By default, the vagrant box is set up at address with the hostname You can change the IP address in Homestead.yaml if you want, as well as the hostname (via the sites[].map key).

The Homestead.yaml configuration file contains all details about the vagrant box configuration. The following is an example:

ip: ""
memory: 2048
cpus: 1
hostname: expressive-homestead
name: expressive-homestead
provider: virtualbox

authorize: ~/.ssh/

    - ~/.ssh/id_rsa

    - map: "/home/enrico/expressive-homestead"
      to: "/home/vagrant/expressive-homestead"

    - map:
      to: "/home/vagrant/expressive-homestead/public"

    - homestead

This configuration file is very simple and intuitive; for instance, the folders to be used are reported in the folders section; the map value is the local folder of the project, the to value is the folder on the virtual machine.

If you want to add or change more features in the virtual machine you can used the Homestead.yaml configuration file. For instance, if you prefer to add MariaDB instead of MySQL, you need to add the mariadb option:

ip: ""
memory: 2048
cpus: 1
hostname: expressive-homestead
name: expressive-homestead
provider: virtualbox
mariadb: true

This option will remove MySQL and install MariaDB.

SSH keys managed by GPG

One of our team uses the gpg-agent as an ssh-agent, which caused some configuration problems initially, as the ~/.ssh/id_rsa and its .pub sibling were not present.

When using gpg-agent for serving SSH keys, you can export the key using ssh-add -L. This may list several keys, but you should be able to find the correct one. Copy it to the file ~/.ssh/, and then copy that file to ~/.ssh/ Update the Homestead.yaml file to reflect these new files:

authorize: ~/.ssh/
    - ~/.ssh/

The gpg-agent will take care of sending the appropriate key from there.

Running Homestead

To run the vagrant box, execute the following within your project root:

$ vagrant up

If you open a browser to you should now see your application running.

Manually managing your hosts file

If you chose not to use vagrant-hostsupdater, you will need to update your system hosts file.

On Linux and Mac, update the /etc/hosts file to add the following line:

On Windows, the host file is located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts.

More information

We've tested this setup with each of the Zend Framework zend-mvc skeleton application, Apigility, and Expressive, and found the setup "just worked"! We feel it provides excellent flexibility in setting up development environments, giving developers a wide range of tools and technologies to work with as they develop applications.

For more information about Laravel Homestead, visit the official documentation10 of the project.



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